Should School Lunches Be Healthier?

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Have you ever had your school’s cafeteria food? It probably didn't taste, so good did it? School lunches should be healthier, and more nutritious right? I think so, do you? All schools should change their menus to healthier more organic foods with less to no bagged sacks. To fresh foods, for example fruits and vegetables, and instead of serving milk free with the meal it would be water. There would be no more mystery meats. For instance the ones you get at fast food restaurants. The processed meat would be replace with one hundred percent real meat. Are you on board?

Not Nutritious enough. School lunches should be more nutritious for the kids who eat them. Schools, and kids need better cafeteria food if they want to be shown how to live better lives in the future.This food isn't healthy for kids to eat it is just a bunch of random pieces parts meat, and bagged snacks it’s not healthy and not Nutritious for kids to eat once a week or even on a daily basis. That's why I think schools should go organic it would be healthier for the students, and there will be little to no bagged snacks available to kids. …show more content…

Are you Crazy? There should be more fruits,and vegetables, and less of those bagged snacks. They are not health, and kids are not getting enough nutritios they need to substan a healthy life style.By showing this generation how to eat healthy than they can show the future generation how to do the same. Soda's,and sugary drinks will be replaced with water or with a drink that has a lot less sugar in it. This is how schools should plan to change unhealthy foods, and sugary drinks with healthier

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