Should People Be Forced To Pay To The Poor

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The current government takes money from the rich to give away to the poor in a welfare cheque and do nothing to free them of their inability to survive on their own. No one should be given a free home or a free meal or they will never learn how to properly care for themselves. Why should another person be forced to pay for it? If someone was unable to provide for themselves or their family, then we should have developed a system to temporarily help educate them back into a job to make them stronger and self-sufficient. Instead, the government robs from the rich through taxation and gives a survival token to the poor. Oppressing both categories. Why not find out why the poor became poor in the first place and help them back onto the path of success? …show more content…

Forcing the poor to envy the rich and the rich to carry their burden out of tax laws created. This still continues today, I watch certain people in large corporations make 3-4 times the earnings as the average person while the minimum wage is not even enough for a person to survive on. Then too many other jobs pay more money than the average human can spend in a lifetime. How is it that we developed this system? Some humans function with so many benefits while others are left with little to no hope? Survival of the fittest was a mentality for the animal kingdom, one that humans were supposed to rise above. We not only reside below this group, we have also managed to wipe out animal populations with our supposed collective brilliance and

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