Should Middle School Students Have Cell Phones

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Did you ever wonder why middle school students should have cellular phones? This is a question which many people have strong opinions on. There are three significant reasons why a middle school student should own one. Cell phones can be distractions out of hundreds. But there some alternatives to that. Middle School Students Should be Permitted to Own A Cell Phone because it encourages responsibility, it can be used for emergency, and by setting a contract with rules accompanied by parents before using it can teach to them to be more mature. To begin with, a cell phone can make a difference between life and death. This means, if an unfortunate automobile accident occurs, and one is with their family, instead of locating a cellular phone in someone else’s clothing, it will take seconds to summon emergency assistance …show more content…

This teaches them to be mature. As one grows up to be an adult, there are many rules to follow, for example, obeying the law, no littering, no violence. If your child follows rules now, they will follow rules excellently when older. It is alike to a contract because the parents do jobs and the children. For instance, the parents can pay for the data and for the repairment of the screen crack on the device and the child comply the rules. The child would likely know if they do not obey the rules, the device would be taken away; there would be consequences. The pre-teen would sub-consciously follow the rules. Responsibility is essential in everyday life. While reading throughout the essay one might have had the question: “Back in my parent’s generation, they did not possess cellular phones, and they survived.” One must not forget that they had other ways of technology. Such as, television and computers. The children had rules too back then like “no television before you are done your homework.” That is alike to

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