Should Kids Go To Prison Research Paper

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Should kids be allowed to visit their parents? What impact will it cause? In a study of a group of kids when asked about their parents being incarcerated most replied with “We’re not supposed to talk about him” (Sack). What does this mean; is it negative or positive? Does the kids have a terrible experience or traumatic experience to even think about them? Visiting incarcerated parents should not be allowed because prisons are a negative environment, the family is widely affected, and it has a long term impact emotionally and physically on children. Nevertheless, visiting a loved one in prison can be a sensitive subject. When someone wants visits a loved one in prison, they go through a perilous process to be allowed inside prison walls. …show more content…

Either they cannot afford to pay for the old home alone or want to be closer. By moving just to be closer can change a child way more with the realization that a loved one will be gone for a few years or might not come back. Living in a new environment is way more than a kid can handle. A lost parent and a new environment with new people shut down their social life and make them anti-social. If a child cannot express themselves it can lead too many emotional problems. One way to avoid all the major impacts is having the parent lie about the event, it is not practical but most effective. No visitation or moving, leads to little to no traumatic effect while young. Facts have proven that a parent going to prison is more traumatic than a death or divorce (Weil “My First”). Letting a child visit in prison is very risky. Risking a child emotional and development is a major risk to just visit, which may have a small chance they will turn out better.
When having a parent locked up their school life can change drastically. Just having a parent in prison gives a child a higher chance than others in their school to go to jail unlike they ordinarily would with law obeying parents. The child could have beautiful grades and never broken a rule, but still be affected. Peers in schools may not be looked at the same way again or be labelled and others will try to avoid them; just because they talked about their visits. This could lead to a drastic downfall of grades, higher suspensions, and lead to a life of

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