Should Immigrants Seek Freedom Essay

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The topic of immigration makes weekly headlines in various communication outlets. Immigration has been a part of American culture since its formation. Ellis Island is known to every American citizen who becomes familiar with American history. Why is this topic so controversial that restrictions are being placed upon immigration? It has become controversial because many people are entering our country illegally. But what about the ones who are willing to enter legally? These immigrants should be allowed to enter and should be welcomed to our country. Immigration should be allowed immigrants seek freedom, they contribute to our economy, and they succeed in their dreams for a better life. First of all, the United States of America is a country that has been built by immigrants that seek freedom. Our immigration system would be broken if the government and its citizens decided to put a restriction on legal immigration. The European immigrants who came to the country sought the opportunity for religious and political freedom. Many developing countries such as Cambodia, Honduras, and Belize today do not offer as much freedom as we do. The Declaration of Independence clearly states that we live in “The land of the free and the home of the brave.” That is why immigrants seek this country: in order to have freedom. …show more content…

Many of the most brilliant minds who are immigrants have come to the United States and have begun multibillion dollar companies. A study done by the New American Economy Magazine shows that seven out of the ten most valuable brands in America were started by immigrants, companies such as ATT, McDonalds, Google, and IBM to name a few. As the study shows, immigrants do not take away jobs as many people claim; rather, they create not only hundreds but thousands of jobs. Immigrants are a part of the American culture, offering a contribution to our

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