Should Immigrants Be Required To Learn English

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Transitioning from one language to another can be very ecstatic, to some and to others it can be very inconsequential. “Seventy-four percent of Hispanics interviewed in English said they know a second language” (J.M Jones 2013). I work at a job where 95% of the customers speak another language from english and it becomes very difficult for us to communicate at times. Immigrants came to a country where the primary language is English as making this transition they should take into consideration that their language may not be the primary language. I was an immigrant as well not being born in America, coming from Germany when I was quite young, I have an understanding on how difficult it may be to learn a language you’re not familiar with, but it has opened so many opportunities for me that wouldn’t have been available to me if it wasn’t for me learning the country's primary language. Immigrants should be required by law to learn the basics of English. When many of us hear about a law requiring immigrants to …show more content…

Many immigrants who do not know English are living in poverty, this is because we cannot offer them high paying jobs. We are forced to provide them with jobs that don’t require any knowledge of the English language and these jobs are either done illegally or pay very little under minimum wage. Immigrants are satisfied with the jobs they have because they feel they can’t obtain a better job which in actuality is true. Now in the generation we live in, in order to have a decent paying job you must at least have earned a master's degree or higher, but many of the immigrants don’t even have a high school diploma or they do, and it is not accepted in America. Getting an education is not cheap and in order for one to get a decent useful education you must first learn the language of the country, become a citizen, and after that many more opportunities will be available to

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