Should Hispanic Heritage Be Kept Alive?

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“Preservation of one’s own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures,” (Cesar Chavez). People with Hispanic Heritage are simply people who trace their origins back to the Latin World, which encompasses nearly 400, 000, 000 people world - wide. Hispanic Heritage should be kept alive, since it allows us to experience a diverse, expansive culture with many different values, including family importance, since they are loyal and respect their elders, and cooperation, since they work together and maintain a strong work ethic. Family, the people who raise you, support you, and take care of you. Hispanic Heritage places great importance on family, since they are loyal and respect their elders. By doing so, people with Hispanic …show more content…

First of all, loyalty plays a crucial role in the life of people with Hispanic Heritage. It is the difference between living with the family until 20 and exile from the house and they embrace it. In the PDF File, Hispanic Culture Values by Howard Erickson, it states, “Family ties and loyalties are far more important to Hispanics than Anglos,” (Paragraph 5). This proves that, loyalty plays a crucial role in the development of family importance and people of Hispanic Heritage have embraced it. Furthermore, loyalty to their family improves the bonds between them and in the future, it makes their family more likely to support them in emotional and financial problems. Subsequently, respect to their elders is important in the life of people with Hispanic Heritage. Family Members who show respect to elders are more likely to stay in the family and receive respect from others. In the PDF File, Hispanic Culture Values by Howard Erickson, it states, “Hispanic adults work hard to send money to their parents and find the idea of assisted living or retirement homes to be abhorrent,” (Paragraph 5). This proves that, respect to their elders is …show more content…

People of Hispanic Heritage expand on this definition, since they work together and maintain a strong work ethic. By doing so, people with Hispanic Heritage are able to complete any task at hand, regardless of the difficulty. To begin with, the ability to work together is already an important value in daily life, but to people of Hispanic Heritage working together means so much more. It is connection to their family and friends, which allows them to complete any task. In the PDF File, Hispanic Culture Values by Howard Erickson, it states, “They tend to be more event - driven [and] operate on a tight schedule,” (Paragraph 16). This proves that, people of Hispanic Heritage need to work together to complete their work, since they have to operate on a tight schedule to complete a large number of events. Furthermore, they are able to complete any number of tasks, regardless of the situation, since they work together. Next, a strong work ethic is what gains honor for people of Hispanic Heritage. They gain honor by working long, difficult hours, without a break, to earn money for their family and support their elders. In the PDF File, Hispanic Culture Values by Howard Erickson, it states, “Working long, hard hours is a mark of honor [and] the mark of a real man,” (Paragraph 24). This proves that, people of Hispanic Heritage honor strong work ethic and it shows the development of a child into a man. Furthermore,

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