Should High School Students Be Allowed To Eat?

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Who doesn't like food ? Should kids really have to wait hours for a snack ? Schools say they want to shape kids healthy , but are they really ? Food plays a big role in the daily lives of young people . Snacking is very important for children . They have much smaller stomachs compared to an adults . It's obvious that they need more food during the whole school day than just mid-day , lunchtime . Kids can never eat enough to stay full on one meal . Even if students were to eat breakfast , they still need to wait three to five hours to have “ lunch ” . If you were to search on how to have a proper nutrition you will conclude that you need frequent snacks and hydration . Throughout the day snacks help students learn about eating habits , of course the healthy way ! Many kids today have more pressure than before . Academic expectations been higher , and the teachers are demanding since now
Eating something about every three hours throughout the day helps maintain that . In the article Why Students Should Be Allowed To Eat In Class by Michael Murray it explains that high school students need it the most . ” Students , especially high school students , should not have to wolf down something at their locker and use only the water fountain between classes . This is neither healthy nor efficient ” . The lack of iron gives adequate oxygen to flow through your brain which can cause a person fatigue and low mental function . You can find iron in plant and animal foods . Some top sources for iron are oysters , turkey , and chicken .The one from animals is the best for your body though . According to a institute called Linus Pauling , perks of a good meal assure you of a good amount of blood to your brain . Which also decreases the risks of any strokes . With the healthy heart diet strokes would be reduced , because the brain and heart health are the same thing as it says they go “ hand in-hand “

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