Should Guns Be Banned Essay

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Banning guns will create a world without violence. But there is no such thing as a world without violence. Gun don 't kill, people kill our country is producing more idiots than anywhere in the world, we skate anyone and everyone through then we ignoring them. We allow labels to be put on every condition even if its laziness and we call it autism or Asperger’s. We reward kids for acting dumb when they just don 't want to try and we give them IEP’s and reduce the work they have to do. Guns alone don’t kill, someone must pick it up, aim it and pull the trigger. If someone wanted to kill and you take the guns away, then they’ll find another away like a knife, cars, pillows, bats, hangars, even water. Although getting rid of guns might decrease Which was conceived in a time when British troops were a threat to the United States as well as the French, as in French and Indian war. Others view us as a gun possessed society, but yet we aren 't as different in our methods of taking lives than any other country. The constitution protects us from that potentially horrific outcome. The idea of the right to bear arms was not only to protect citizens from other citizens, but also to protect the government from overstepping its bounds. The government encroaches more on citizens every single I think guns shouldn’t be as easily accessible as they are now, people should get a background check before being able to handle a gun. People should also be checked once in a while by the law or the government to see if they have committed, any crimes or any illegal activity after being given the prevailing to use a gun. We can’t really get rid of guns completely people would still get them illegally under a black market. They are two problems with focusing on gun control. The first is it take focus on what might be the real problem, but I think it lies in a combination of mental illness, inefficient screening of terrorist activity, and the epidemic of racial, class and cultural anger we have in this country. The second reason is the methods of being sought are illegal and

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