Should Firefighters Stay Healthy And Injury Free Essay

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Once upon a time in a land far away, the heroes used to come home every single day. Problems are arising, so the career field could use some advising. What once was safe is no more, as more and more firefighters hit the floor. No it doesn’t always resolve in death, sometimes they just lose their breath. They are getting sick and unhealthy, which is hurting the career cluster badly. Firefighters are failing to stay healthy and injury free because of the chemicals used, intense physical demands, and the dietary patterns; therefore, it is imperative that firefighters must take personal responsibility to stay healthy and injury free.

Because injury can cause leave from a job that is loved, it is imperative that firefighters must take personal …show more content…

(Jahnke, 2012) Sleep has many levels to it. The first level is when the firefighter (for example) slowly start to drift off into sleep. Ninety minutes after he falls asleep he goes into his first rapid eye movement (REM) period, which lasts about ten minutes. Each of the later REM stages lasts longer and longer. Rapid eye movement is when a person is dreaming. It is very dangerous to be awaken during REM sleep; therefore, firefighters are in potential danger when the pager goes off while they are sleeping. It could possibly be hours before the firefighter is able to lay back down and fall into a deep sleep again. Shift firefighters have a chance of sleep danger because they are on duty for hours at a time. However, volunteer firefighters also have irregular sleep patterns, but for a different reason. Volunteers sleep in their own bed in their house at night, and not in the station beds. When the pager goes off, they roll out of bed and run down to the station as fast as they can. Volunteers do not have a certain amount of hours that they need to respond to the calls, they are always "on duty" and need to respond every chance they get. Because the pager has potential to go off every second of the night, the firefighter lies awake at night or gets a little amount of restless sleep. Sleeping during the day also can cause irregular sleep patterns because they are now sleeping when they should be

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