Should Cyber-Bullying be a Criminal Offense?

772 Words2 Pages

Did you know that 15 to 25% of children and youth are bullying victims on a daily basis? Another 15 to 20% of children and youth are the predator bullying others on a daily basis. Another 42% says they have been bullied online. Children and youth who are gay, overweight or have disabilities are up to 63% more likely to be bullied than other children. Its crazy to think that children could be so harmful at such a young age. I think cyberbullying should be taken more seriously by the government. Cyber-bullying cases should not be ignored they should be looked at carefully and disciplined appropriately.
There are so many different causes of cyber-bullying. Many bullies which are online believe the victim deserves what they get. When nobody deserves to be bullied. Some cyber-bullies may be bored so to occupy their boredom they may think bullying is okay and something normal and “cool”. Others who usually are not the victims may be giving into peer pressure. Many are hungry for power, revenge or lack of common sense and empathy. Would you ever take it into consideration that the predator thinks it is funny?
Have you ever thought about what happens to the victim after he or she gets bullied? Some cyber-bullying cases end up in a tragic way of the victim thinking it is too much and may take his/ or her life. Others may not think of the ways cyber-bullying affects the victim but they may end up in a serious situation. People who self harm are in a greater risk of hurting themselves, anxiety, failing classes, skipping school or class, or even being nervous about anything.
What if you were stuck in a situation with someone cyber-bullying another? What would you do? If you you really don’t want to rat your friend out for their actio...

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... on social networking websites. Many also have cell phones which they spend hours apon hours on texting friends and being on social media. With this technology privileges we have some abuse the use of the internet which gives us immediate access to information. Some people decide to eploit the innocent and inflict injury upon others. This modern technology is something to be thankful but i think there should be more laws to control people while online. For example, this technology has allowed some teens to take the bullying that thrives in school hallways online.

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