Should Community Colleges Have Mandatory Attendance Essay

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College is a time for freedom and finding who you are and the path you want to take, but it's also about learning and taking classes. Considering college is about freedom should community colleges have mandatory attendance? No, they should not, and this is why. First off what are the three main reasons people go to community colleges? One they have a family to take care of and can’t go off to college, two they never went to college and now that they have a full-time job they can only go part time or three they didn’t have the grades or money to go to a university. Now if you have a family, maybe you have kids of your own or maybe your parents don’t or can’t take care or your siblings so you were forced to step in and help out. If this is the case what if one day you have class but you can’t make it that day? Your kid got sick or hurt, or maybe you couldn’t find or afford a baby sitter. You should not be punished for not being able to make it to class. If you are paying money to take the class it should be up to you if you show up. Especially if you have something as important as your kids that needs to be taken care of …show more content…

If you’re coming up in age more than likely you have a full-time job and this job is what supports you and possibly your family. You can’t just quit this job to go to school. You’re still going to need it until you get your degree and can find a new job. Hopefully your job would work around your school schedule but not all jobs necessarily will. Or what if one day they absolutely needed you at work, that should be up to you if you miss class or not, and your grade shouldn’t be deducted just because you missed the

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