Should College Students Avoid Tuition Cost?

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Imagine a student named Geoff. Like many of us, he took out various loans to help pay for his education. Most universities and colleges in the modern day United States demand high rates of tuition, and Geoff was no exception. He decided to major in communications, which was his passion, hoping to land a job in that field. However, once he graduated, he did not get a job in his degree field. Geoff stated that if the burden of tuition costs weren't an issue, he would have continued his passions and not have to settle for a job we wasn't passionate about. This is not exactly a rare occurrence either. Geoff ended up getting a job as a manager at a pet store. The catch is, Geoff is a very real person. Like many of college students, he is stuck with …show more content…

Most people wouldn't care as much about getting a job in their field if the tuition costs were lower. This way, there would not be as much financial pressure after graduation. The financial burden of tuition costs after graduation pressures many students to feel pressured to get the right job, or even not attend a university. These issues are not new, and deserve to have a second look. Many people in the United States struggle with tuition fees, while other countries have already attempted to lower or completely eliminate tuition costs. This worldwide issue is a very plausible topic that can be changed. These two ideas, tuition in the United States and tuition abroad, will be the focus of this article as well as how these issues can be …show more content…

One of the largest countries to do this is Germany. When the Treaty of Versailles, the treaty that ended WW1 was signed, Germany got the bad end of the stick. First they were ordered that they were not allowed to build up a military over 100,00 men, which is extremely small. They also were not allowed to have any kind of air force, submarines of any kind, and had a cap of only 6 naval units. On top of this, they had to give up all of their territories, and pay a reparations fee. This came to 6,600 million german marks, which would come to around 6.6 billion english pounds, or just under $400 billion dollars in todays dollar. Just recently in 2010, Germany finished paying off their WW1 debts. Germany's economy must of had some major stimulation to pay off such a large debt. At this time, there was no tuition of any kind. There was actually a law preventing it. Germany has always been known to be a very intelligent country, and they are paying off their debts due to a growing economy. Good education. is a major factor to econmic

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