Should College Be Free Essay

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I do not believe that college should be free at all and it should just stay as it is right now maybe go down a little with the prices but that will be about it. The reasons I believe that people should pay for college are because if its free many people might not take it as seriously as they do right now. Another reason will be because Universities and Colleges need money in order to stay open and completely functioning the only way this can happen is if people pay for College in order for them to exist. I believe that people should pay for college in order for it to run properly and be taken seriously by everyone.
I think that if college is free people will take it less seriously and might just go to waste time and they might ruin the learning …show more content…

If college was just free the institution wouldn't be able stand by itself and will need some sort of fund in order to keep open and keep its staff. Also colleges need to pay their professors, janitors, and all of their staff properly and they need to pay bills such as the electric, water, and gas bills. If colleges just ran on donations and government funds they wouldn't stay open for log since that would be very little money. Thats why I strongly believe students need to pay for college in order for it to stay open and provide excellent education and facilities to its students and staff.
I believe that college should not be free to students, they need to pay money in order for the colleges to continue running smoothly and efficiently. Students need to spend their money in education in order for them to take it more seriously and put effort in it. Big institutions like colleges need the students to pay for their education in order for the college to stay open and be able to pay for the expenses for the students to have an excellent education available. Those are some reasons why I believe it’s necessary for students to pay for their college

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