Should College Be Free

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Should College be free in the U.S.? Just read this again “free college”, In some instances college tuition is already free, by making college free it could raise some red flags for the U.S. economy. College is all about choice, you can go and further your education or go straight to the workforce, the Army, or even to a Trade School. But in some cases college is a big part of the American Dream, most families consider College to be a privilege, and to have their children live a better life. In my opinion college should not be free due to fact that by making it free it would cause major stress in the american economy and our people. There are some who believe that by making college free it would interest more of the high school graduates to continue with furthering their education. …show more content…

College is a privilege not a right. But student benefit campaigners say that free college should be a right to students because they worked hard and surpassed their peers who did not want to continue in a higher education. “If we are actually going to push a free college agenda, it should not be under a restrictive students’ rights banner, but instead under a general pro-welfare banner,” (Bruenig, Matt. "The Case Against Free College."). Under the pro-welfare benefit system tuition subsidies and and living fees would just be like the benefits for the poor, the elderly, and the disabled. This would help bring in more students and encourage them to believe in this system that could help bring down high college income that students

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