Should Children Go Out Without Adult Supervision Essay

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There are many dangers in our world, some worse than others. But there is one problem that we can fix. Children going out without adult supervision. If children go out without adult supervision, they can risk their behavior, they can get hurt, and they can join the wrong crowd. First, there is risky behavior. When children go out without adult supervision, they have a higher chance of getting into trouble. Also, it can only take a child nine minutes to adapt bad behavior. A New York study shows that almost all children are more likely to do things they wouldn’t do without adult supervision. Next, the way a child could act in their young years could affect their whole future. If a child has bad behavior, they will have bad behavior as an …show more content…

With adult supervision, children will less likely be getting hurt. Adults can protect children in dangerous situations like kidnapping. Also, a child will likely not know how to react in those situations. If a child gets hurt, they won’t have an adult to help them or bring them to the hospital. A U.S study shows that if a child gets kidnapped, they won’t have the knowledge of what to do. That proves another reason adult supervision is good. Finally, children can join the wrong crowd. With the loss of adult supervision, a child will have the freedom to see and do whatever they want. But that can severely affect that child’s whole future. Sometimes the people they see, are not the best people and can even be a bad influence. A child could see something another child does, but without adult supervision, the child might not know how bad that is. That is the final reason children need adult supervision when going out There are reasons children shouldn’t go out without adult supervision. I used logos by using a fact from NY Times. I also used pathos by saying how it can negatively affect a child’s future. In reason 2, I used pathos by saying how a child can get hurt without adults. I didn’t use any other KELP strategy. I used pathos in paragraph 3 by saying how a child can join the wrong crowd. I used no other kelp strategy. But children may

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