Should Children Be Allowed To Play Football?

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In class we’ve been studying about concussions. Having concussions can lead to many medical problems in the present or in the future. It makes me think would I let my child play football? I would give my child the permission to play football because it's a stress reliever, life experience and it builds character.
First of all, football is a stress reliever for the players playing football. The players can take any type of anger or stress and forget about what they have on their mind. According to Tim Morris a magazine editor, “It has to be that love of football that even makes us hesitate. Given these facts about the risks and dangers of any other activity we wouldn’t think twice because there is always positive”. Football players will not think about the consequences that will come to them if they get injured. The players have to love what they are doing and without having those negative thoughts about getting a concussion. That is why my son will have my permission to play football. …show more content…

Showing that the real world is about competition with others and how it's a struggle many times because there risks. In conforming to Youth Activities states, Playing sports will help keep kids busy after school, participating in football will help kids stay of trouble”. Football will help kids from getting into any type of trouble. The players will stay productive and something positive that can benefit them instead of affecting them. It's a distraction to players to strive for great future. My child will get an understanding on the life experience while playing

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