Should Child Soldiers Be Given Amnesty Essay

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FLASH DRAFT #1: Should child soldiers be given amnesty

In Africa there is a civil war between groups of terrorists and the government. But Children are also fighting in this war and they become child soldiers that are drugged with cocaine and have weapons. Are statement for today is that should child soldiers be victims or perpetrators?

We say yes that hey should get amnesty because one article talked about a child in Guantanamo named Omar Khadr who was a child soldier and shot two U.S soldiers. People say that he should be given amnesty because he was abused by his father and he was drugged and forced to kill. If he didn’t he would be shot and killed. When he was interrogated he cried for his mother. But some people say that he should not get amnesty because he killed two U.S soldiers. His father was an Al Qaeda leader. One time he talked about when he shot an killed the U.S soldiers it made him happy. One of the doctors said that Omar Khadr was highly dangerous and a major hijab. …show more content…

He said that his village was attacked by rebels and was captured by them. He was drugged and had to watch movies like rambo or people with guns. He also said that if he didn't do what he was supposed to do he would be shot and killed. After he was rescued and got the drugs off of him he had flashbacks of him killing people and he did not know this happened.

In conclusion child soldiers should be given amnesty because they are children that are at least 3 to 14 years old that are drugged and beaten to kill. People who were child soldier like Ishmael Beah have horrible memories of the time when he was a soldier and that was a scary thing to him. Right now to this day children are still being used for warfare and even suicide

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