Should Abortion Be Banned Essay

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Abortion is a new habit that women have been using to solve a “problem” and if they think that having a baby is a problem they are totally wrong. Having a baby is a blessing. Sometimes having a baby might not be expected but that is not a reason to take the baby’s life. When a woman aborts it is taking a human’s life away. It is not the baby’s fault if the mother did not take care about her actions the baby has the right to live. Although some may argue that abortion should not be banned because some women feel that they are not ready to have a child. The truth is that abortion should be banned because it robs a human of life. It is a dangerous act and it violates the civil rights. One reason women should not abort is because it
For example, when aborting women can put life on risk. Eliza Martinez, a Publisher at Livestrong made and article about abortion where she states that,“While the Westside Pregnancy Clinic says that death as a result of abortion is very rare, it can still happen. Usually it is due to hemorrhaging, infection, embolism or complications from the administration of anesthesia,”(Martinez). There is no reason to put life on risk just to get rid of another life. For example, there have been thousands of cases where women have died during abortion. A woman that went to a clinic to get an abortion suffered death, it came in an article from Life News by Publisher Cheryl Sullenger where she states that “Wilson suffered almost immediate complications during her second trimester abortion, which was conducted by Preterm abortionist Lisa Perriera. Even though Wilson’s blood pressure was dropping fast, Perriera finished the abortion before tending to Wilson’s dangerously escalating medical emergency. By then, Wilson had stopped breathing and suffered cardiac arrest,” (Sullenger). Cases like this are not worth to put your own life on risk just to get rid of another life. Abortion is really dangerous and it could take women to death, there are times where women have no option and it is either their life or the baby’s life but even though there is no reason to put a life on risk by killing another human
Babies should have the opportunity to a life and to enjoy life. Mothers that do not want to take care of their actions and want to solve them by abortion are just demonstrating selfishness. Women should not abort, women should learn to lead with their mistakes and take care of themselves, abortion is not an option to solve a

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