Short Summary Of The Land Mitchell Thomas

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“The land”
The land this story begins with paul-Edward,when he was nine years old. The story describes how paul`s life has been different from that of most freed slaves. The book is narrated from paul's perspective and really quickly introduces his three brothers, his sister and mitchell Thomas. Mitchell Thomas is a black boy whose father works for paul's father who becomes a vital member of the story-line. In the the beginning of the story mitchell bullying paul fro being bi-racial. in “childhood”, paul's parents were constant reminders of the trials and tribulations of being born biracial. After several months of incessant bullying, paul and mitchell decide to strike a deal. Their deal was that if paul teaches Mitchell to “ read English, write English, and figure,” then mitchell would teach paul
Paul and mitchell soon grow tired of being Edward logan (paul`s father). Paul comes to across the opportunity to race another man's horse. Edward logan forbids it, saying that i would be unwise of paul, to ride, let alone race, a horse with when he is not acquainted. Paul wins the race, but has trouble collecting his pay. The owner of the horse will not give paul`s his pay. Dues to paul being of mixed heritage the owner of the horse doesn't even have to give paul his earned money. If Mitchell hadn`t used violent force to ensure that the white man kept his word by playing paul his money, paul would have never any dime of “ four times a rider`s pay. After this accident, the two flee aboard a train. Then a young man named Kenny Rebel Dewayne price stepped in and beat up the white man and told paul to have a nice day. Now paul and wish to escape. The pair start their journey together, but they decided to separated to avoid drawing attention to themselves. While they are separated, Mitchell goes on to describe life in different types of work camps. This story follows paul as he works at a general store owned by Luke Sawyer and as a woodworker in a small town

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