Short Story The Moose And The Sorrow By Hugh Garner

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In the short story "The Moose and the Sparrow" by Hugh Garner, Moose Maddon is a cruel bully, with no regard for those he hurts. Soon after Cecil arriving at the camp, the gangs of Moose Maddon were making jokes on him, which having no effects, but the rage of Moose is developing more cruel ones. One night the friend of Moose and himself “carried the sleeping Cecil, mattress and all, down to the river and threw him in. The kid almost drowned.” (Garner 1) Moose is finding pleasure in making others feel bad and Cecil is an attraction for all the brutal jokes of his, is leading to the jokes turning more violent and threatening towards Cecil. Furthermore, Moose, a 4th Grade dropout finds out that Cecil is a college boy his anger turns

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