Short Story 'Rely' By Deborah

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The short story “Rely” by Deborah was written in a way that I was able to emotionally connect with the characters. They had meaning to me. The story showed what one man went through in his life. The bad and the good, and the emotions that came along with it. The characters were well developed with their own personalities, each displaying how they felt with what was happening. The story was hard to follow in some parts due to the very rapid changes in thoughts and time periods coming from the narrator. I particularly liked the flashbacks to when Alicia was young and her and her dad had a very close relationship, very similar to my own with my dad. My dad and I have always been very close doing everything together. This helped me easily relate …show more content…

The father, a quiet middle aged man, sad due to loneliness because of the loss of his wife and his daughter away at med school. He lives a very repetitive life getting up and working. He is constantly reliving the past in his mind, thinking about his true father figure George, and what they used to do together. “When George was around, he was the one who usually tucked me into bed and told me a story. I was eight then and thought I was too old for bedtime Stories.” (99) This quote shows when the narrator was young and George took care of him, being his role model. The narrator also relives the times spent with his daughter, skating, talking and playing around. This is seen in this quote: “As soon as the water froze, I spent every Saturday morning with Alicia. I wrapped her in a scarf, mitts, toque, and we’d head over to the ice.” (65) He explains that life was simple and joyful when Alicia was young. They could enjoy being together and admire the simplicity of life. He then became a plain man living a boring life when she left. That is until his daughter comes …show more content…

They respect and love each other very much. Even without seeing each other for a long time, they can always rely on each other to be there. Hence the title “Rely”. The narrator and his daughter, Alicia, have a bond that could last through anything. When Alicia was young, they had to learn to lean on each other and create their own traditions when Alicia’s mother had left. Traditions such as “Christmas Day, Alicia and I go for a skate, make a simple dinner. We take it easy.” (23) They lived a simple life but they appreciated each other enough to be happy with it. The father (narrator) loves his daughter with all of his heart. He became a man like George, knowing that family is the most important thing in life. Because of the impact he had on his daughter’s life, Alicia also felt the same. She missed her dad and knew that the love between them was more important than anything else. The narrator seemed to be a wonderful father. He was her rock. “I try to be the still point, a rock in the bank. I stay put, so that when my daughter calls to say, ‘I hate this city,’ I’m right here to pick up the phone.” (4) He would also always help in any way he could. “‘Dad, guess what?’ She was out of breath. ‘I helped deliver a baby!’ That’s why I work six, seven days a week—to hear Alicia happy. To help her pay her tuition and go off and live her life. She appreciates it.” He may miss her, but he would rather see her

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