Short Story Of Requis's Pond

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Down by Requis’s Pond
“I hate you!” Aphrodite shouted at Hephaestus. “You are always seeing other women! Mortals goddesses anyone!” Fuming, Aphrodite stormed out of the house. She walked to the pond near Requis’ house to relax. Requis was a demigod. He was very strong and muscular. He could knock out anyone in his path. Requis looked out of his window and saw Aphrodite at the pond in tears. He went outside to go talk to her. Requis was very easy to talk to. “What happened, Aphrodite?” “Hephaestus was seeing another woman,” Aphrodite mumbled in tears. “He always does this. He cheats on me and then expects everything to be okay.” “It’s okay, Aphrodite,” Requis says. “Would you like to come inside for supper?” “Yes, I would like that,” Aphrodite said, feeling more comfortable.In the house, a fire was lit and it smelled like fresh porridge. As soon as she walked inside, Ahri rushed to the door and jumped in delight. Ahri was Requis’s brother, Jason’s puppy. When Aphrodite sat down, Ahri happily hopped up into Aphrodite’s lap. Aphrodite liked having a puppy around. Hephaestus always …show more content…

And especially not with a mortal! Hephaestus’s two servants finally wake up. However, they were dazed because of Requis’s powerful punch. One of his servants pull out a bag of bugs and forced Requis’s mouth open and made him eat them. Maggots, flies, grasshoppers, and much more filled his mouth. Hera, the queen of marriage, sensed there was something wrong at Requis’s house. She rushed over and saw what was going on. She was aware of Hephaestus cheating on Aphrodite. Zeus commonly cheated on Hera, so she knows exactly how Aphrodite feels. She casted a curse onto Hephaestus and his servants, and turned them into venus fly traps, so they would have to eat bugs for eternity. As for Requis, she turned him into a full god, so he was now immortal. Requis took Hephaestus’s throne. Aphrodite and Requis officially got married and lived happily with Ahri at Requis’s

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