Short Story Of Chris Kyle: The Devil Of Ramady

1208 Words3 Pages

Brad Proffit

English 111

Matt Williams


Chris Kyle: The Devil of Ramadi Over the course of the last 100 years, many people have taken the opportunity to change the world for the better. Someone that has stood out to is a man by the name of Scott “Chris” Kyle. Chris Kyle is a man of a rare breed. He is someone that dedicated his life to standing up to those who couldn’t stand up for themselves. A sheepdog, in a sense, to the sheep.
Chris Kyle is one of the deadliest human beings in modern military history. He currently holds the record for the most confirmed kills in the US military. As deadly as this man was, he was not a cold blooded murderer. Chris Kyle was a sniper in one of the Navy’s prestigious SEAL teams. Kyle has been accredited with 160 confirmed combat kills and over 200 unconfirmed kills by the US Department of Defense. In contrast to his military career, Kyle was also a family man and an author. After his time in the Navy, he wrote the best selling book American Sniper. This book was later made into the award winning movie American Sniper, titled after the …show more content…

Taya, at the time, was a pharmaceutical drug representative that had recently moved to California from her home in Oregon. She met Chris through one of his fellow SEAL team members. As they got better acquainted, Taya asked Kyle what he did for a living. Kyle told her he drove an ice cream truck. Taya wasn’t fooled. Of course this wasn’t outside of the normal for Chris to keep what he did in the navy a secret. On multiple occasions Kyle told people ridiculous answers when they would ask him what he did for a job. Sometimes he would tell people that he sits inside ATM machines and divvy out money to people that would use them. Other times he would say that he polishes dolphins for the navy. Taya and Chris dated for some time before getting married in 2002 and having two

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