Short Story: Dahlia

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Chapter Three Dahlia had finished her History midterm before lunch and had the rest of the day off as she headed to lunch. After eating Dahlia headed out to the bench where she had sat yesterday waiting for Daxton who came out with a brown bag full of food. He sat down pulling out an apple and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "Your father did't punish you did he?" Dahlia asked nervously. "No not really. He just told me do well on the midterm test and all will be fine." "Okay good. I felt horrible....." "Well you shouldn't have!' "Sorry." an imitate response from Dahlia who got a stern glare from Daxton who hated her habit. "I wanted to come here to talk about the attack that happened yesterday," Daxton whispered to had a tone to …show more content…

OH NO! They had left the computer on the video tape showing them out by the track. The door swung open and footsteps soon followed afterwards. Dahlia heart was beating. Her palms were sweaty and the knife was about the size of a watermelon and moving into her stomach. The footsteps went over to the computers, but the security man didn't seen to notice the tape plating; however he was kicking under the desk looking for his lunch. THAT'S WHERE DAXTON IS HIDING! The man started to kneel down onto the floor. He was going to see Daxton, but there wasn't a way to stop him! Dahlia was about to yell when. "How long is it going to take you to find a meaningless lunch box?" a woman asked from the hall. "I'm hungry," called the security man, "just wait a second. Dahlia relaxed her shoulders which were cramping op from the strained position. Footsteps came nearer and the movement of clothes and the pile above her came quickly. Dahlia noticed a brown bag next to her and with no choice slowly stuck the bag out from under the clothes at the base of the mountain of cloth hoping. Just praying that this would work. "Hey, look i just found it. It was sitting right next to the pile of jackets the whole time!" the security man shouted to the

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