Short Essay On Chicago

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Chicago. What is the first thing that comes to mind at the mention of the name? Is it mobsters, gambling, gangs, murders or more simply put, one of the most violent cities in Americas’ history? Unbeknownst, this is what most people would think first, unless you have done extensive research or you are a history junkie. Chicago derived its’ name from a Miami Indian tribe in relation to the wild leeks that grew on the banks of the Chicago River. Long before crime and violence riddled the city, Chicago was home to the Miami, Sauk, Fox, and Potawatomi tribes. Fort Dearborn, which was built on the south bank of the Chicago River in 1803, was destroyed in 1812 and rebuilt in 1816. In 1830, lots were sold to finance the Illinois and Michigan Canal, thus paving way for the great city we now call Chicago. The Black Hawk War of 1832 ended the final phase of the Native American resistance in the northern area. Chicago became a town in 1833 and rapidly incorporated into a city four years later when its’ population soared over 4,000 residents. Fast-forward thirty-four years. It is now October of 1871; over one-third of the city has …show more content…

Workers in local factories and railroads went on strike to demand increased wages and a full 8-hour workday. Unsuccessful in their missions, Federal troops ended the strike, only fueling rage amongst the workers. This radical movement was led by Albert R. Parsons. Industrialized warfare over wages and hours grew gradually bitter and climaxed into the Haymarket bombing of 1886. With no substantial evidence that they had thrown the bomb, Parsons and three other strike leaders were hanged for the crime. Two others avoided being hang, instead, having their sentences exchanged to life imprisonment, more luckily a third person received a sentence of 15 years in

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