Shooting An Elephant

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Just Be Yourself (Three Messages from Elephant and Sale) The author of Shooting an Elephant, George Orwell, included different types of irony in his text. Not only did he use verbal irony, which is saying something that contradicts with one means or believes, but he also used situational irony which occurs when something happens that contradicts the expectations of characters, readers, or audience. Doris Lessing, the author of No Witchcraft for Sale did the same thing as Orwell. Both of these authors created this technique and made it so the reader wanted to continue getting into the text. They both wanted to create a general message to the reader that would make them rethink the way they live life and the way they see things. There were three main messages from Shooting an Elephant and No Witchcraft for Sale. First of all, a main message from Elephant, was that people care too much about what others think of them. In the text, the man was hated by a lot of people, and he wanted to make it so they would respect …show more content…

The difference between both these stories, was that in Elephant, the man gave into peer pressure, while in No Witchcraft for Sale, he didn’t give in. The people who read Orwell’s story Elephant realized that he went against his will, and it kind of opened up people’s eyes about how we might do that on the daily, but we just don’t realize it. In Sale, we saw that the man who didn’t give away his information was very inspirational, because he knew that he could say no, and didn’t have to share something that he didn’t want to. On the last page of the poem, he proposed, “I often wondered whether any of the others grasped that I had done it solely to avoid looking a fool. One of the most important things in this life, is that we need to do what makes us happy, and stop giving into other people trying to change our

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