Shock Incarceration Essay

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Shock incarceration is an alternative form of corrections for incarceration. Characteristics of individuals who participate in shock incarceration programs consists of the following. The offender is young and commits a non violent offense. The offender must abide by the shock incarceration guidelines. These guidelines consist of participating in academic courses, work, and substance abuse counseling. Additionally, the offender must participate in extensive physical activity. The goal of the shock incarceration is to give the offender the tools to be reintegrated back into society. A benefit of participating in this program is receiving a lessened sentence. Shock incarceration programs were introduced in 1983. Georgia and Oklahoma initiated the first shock incarceration programs. Shock incarceration was created as an alternative for incarceration due to the overcrowding of prisons and large probation caseloads. The only two options available for criminal justice officials were prison or …show more content…

Shock incarceration became desired because of the cost effectiveness that it presented. As the 1990s progressed the popularity of shock incarceration programs grew. Nearly 50 programs were initiated by 1999 (Mackenzie, Doris; Grittner, 2001). Shock incarceration programs last on an average of between 90 to 180 days. Convicts who fail to complete the program as sentenced to prison or serve a longer sentence. In contrast, convicts who complete the program are reintegrated into society. The success rate of the shock incarceration program varies from program to program. The success rate can vary from 8 to 80 percent success rates. The motivations behind shock incarceration participation were analyzed. The majority of convicts reported participating in the shock incarceration program because of a shortened sentence. Other reasons reported consists of counseling and drug treatment

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