Shirley Temples of the World

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Thesis: Morrison argues that the western standard of beauty is based on whiteness and that blackness is viewed as ugly and inferior. Pecola Breedlove from The Bluest Eye is a walking embodiment of the issue Morrison is addressing. Although not to the extent in which Pecola is affected, this white standard of beauty affects people of all color and size; the media and fashion industry are the leading forces behind these struggles to conform to what society views as beautiful. These industries need to change and promote healthier and more realistic appearances because these unrealistic standards can be detrimental to a person’s physical and mental health. I. Morrison argues that blackness is viewed in a negative light, and, ultimately, will lead to corruption. A. The concept of whiteness being the ideal standard for physical appearances is ingrained into every girl’s brain through dolls given during early childhood due their parents’ preconceived notions that they desire the same things they did (Morrison 20). B. Prominent figures such as Shirley Temple and even the Mary Jane depicted o...

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