Shining Light Essay

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A Shining Light

Life presents a variety of obstacles or challenges through the pathway of ones’ life. My pathway from childhood through my current position of a young adult has been challenged and yet I choose to see the light within life. “When pain brings you down, don’t be silly, don’t close your eyes and cry, you just might be in the best position to see the sun shine.” (Morissette) When I have encountered stresses of life, I may break down and then I choose to see the bright side of everything and everyone. I have made mistakes throughout my life and with every experience I have learned and matured. The Bible and any type of song can be unimportant to some while they speak loudly to others. One of my favorite bible verses are Philippians …show more content…

Every time I ran away from my life’s purpose and from God. He showed me through my mistakes why I needed Him. He is my shining light in tough times and in the best of times because I know I would not be who I am without Him. Rihanna’s is a song says "I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive, I Came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise, to fly, to fly.” (Rihanna) The song came out around 2010 during which time I ran cross country in middle school and high school. The lyrics and the theme of the song went along with trying to run my best over and over again. All of my races became a competition with my mind pushing my body to beat my personal record. I started training two times a day to get better and my sophomore year I ran on the varsity team and ran three point five miles in under twenty-five minutes. At the same point in my late teens my goal was to get into the highest honors band program. I practiced more than two hours a day to accomplish his goal. My parents told me that I would not be good enough to make it. After tryouts, they posted who made it. I looked and I had made it! Fly by Rihanna is my theme song for my life and now it created a sense of peace and accomplishment within me. As a reminder I now have it tattooed on my body as to show me where I once was and what I have and will …show more content…

Even now with everything that I do in my life, God’s path for my life is the path that I have chosen. As a young adult I still have a lot to learn; I am sure that I will continue to make mistakes and I will learn and grow from them. I would not be where I am in life today if I had not made those mistakes. I recognize that not only my mistakes but the mistakes of people around me, such as my biological parents, have shaped and influenced my life. All of life’s experiences create both good and bad memories that effect who we

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