Sheep Society

1008 Words3 Pages

There is once a land surrounded by perplexed mountains seemingly extending to obtain a grasp of the sky above. Lethargic darkening clouds looming over the ground below, displaying a sign of onerous rain. Due to a lack of sunlight the whole environment seem to have a powerful and gray appearance. Not too far north sustains a rather deep-rooted kingdom occupied with working wide-eyed sheep. A harsh wolf king once to rule over the sheep for so many years brought cruelty alongside his reign. Having oppressive laws, sheep are not allowed to criticize the king or they shall be executed. All rams have to spend half of their lives in the military (5 years).Years after the sheep bounded together and went chased the wolf out of power. They hope to achieve even distribution of food and water, along with political rights and free speech. They called it “Ariesism”.
They even changed the name of their kingdom they dubbed it, “Lamb Alliances”.
After the election for a new leader, Casimir the inconsiderate lion took charge over the country, and Alina the self-absorbed tiger is expelled from the Ariesist party. Numerous lambs protest that Alina should come back to the association once more. More and more lambs are outraged and demanded for what they thought was right. In return Casimir ordered brutal coyotes to arrest and slaughter any sheep that condemns him. Several sheep from factories and farms were dragged out to town square to be hanged on sight. Other sheep watched in horror as their fellow allies were killed. None of the sheep rested that night, hearing countless coyotes’ grotesque and off beat howling, “Long live Ally Casimir, let his reign last several centuries”.
The sun arose in brilliant cascades of scarlet and hues of burgundy. On...

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...ment. The coyotes frighten the sheep by executing their whole family. Starving them, beating them until eventually they gave up and “confess” about what they did. These sheep where shipped to labor camps or have been executed.
Lions have twice the lifespan compared to a sheep . Yet Casimir lived even longer than any other lion in existence, though it seems. It would be almost impossible for a sheep to get pass of the age three through the almost rough conditions. The fog look like smoke and the air is almost too toxic for the lungs. Casimir’s once disoriented mess of a mane is now shriveled and gray. Each breath is getting strenuous; the very fibers of muscles in his limb were weakening. The sheep didn’t know what will happen next they could hardly tell which way was up or down. Minutes pass, the dense obscure fog and smoke drifted away and the sun shine once more.

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