Shame In The Film 'La Mission'

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Shame originates from those who do not comprehend others. When individuals are different in any way, such as race, gender, status or even sexual orientation, those who do not understand them or their situation dive right into judgement and then result in shame. Sexual orientation shaming has history behind it which has damaged love in so many ways, the shaming continues even today. First of all, sexual orientation is what attracts or arouses one sexually and it consists of: heterosexuals, which are individuals attracted to the opposite sex, homosexuals, same sex, bisexual, attracted to both, and finally asexual, which is not attracted to any sex. The shame was present back in the early 20th century where homosexuality was a crime. It was considered a mental illness, as in something was wrong with the individual’s brain. To right this wrong, it was decided to use conversion therapy to actually convert those individuals from gay to straight. Somesh …show more content…

The film, La Mission, demonstrates examples of just that with its protagonist, Che Rivera, not accepting the circumstance that his son is gay. You see, Che Rivera is a very “macho” man with a reputation to protect, and for some reason, he anticipated his gay son would destroy that “macho” picture. Che rejected the reality and pretended differently and his son was forced to hide his true self. When he began to come out, he experienced shame from his own father and victimization from others in the neighborhood. Towards the end, Che forced his son to a choice: ‘you are either straight and leaving with me, or you will never see me again.’ His son chose to be himself and it ruined their relationship as father and son. His father was the one who built those walls and it lead him to, as Curti said “dissatisfaction and frustration.” Eventually he got over his differences and sought out his son to make up. (La

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