Shaman's Dream

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In her dreams, “Djinns are very mischievous and tricky, my liege. A maiden like Reem can’t be entrusted with one”. The shaman’s words made her father nervous. She could see it in his eyes. He was worried about her, about the city, and about their legacy. The elder shaman dressed in rugged green cloth, a pointy yellow-green hat, and held an oak-tree scepter like any other wizard Reem had seen before. This particular old man was unfamiliar. Perhaps he came from a distant village after hearing the news, and perhaps that is what troubled her lord father the most. Enemies now know that his daughter possesses a dangerous weapon. A djinn that will fulfill all her desires and dreams if she manages to articulate her wishes in three separate commands, …show more content…

He had ordered his guard to bolster defenses around the city borders and double their numbers around the Al-areen but even that seemed to be not enough to put his mind to rest. To add to his troubles, this shaman was suggesting that Reem might get mislead by the djinn. She has to choose just the perfect words for her wishes or the devious djinn will find a way to twist their meanings and turn them into chronix curses. The thought made the monarch swallow hard and twitch in his seat. In reality, he had nothing to do about it. The djinn was Reem’s to command. If he tried seizing it from his daughter, she might get angry and use it against him. Legends passed the tales of how people went crazy to possess the ring, even going as far as murdering their families. “Give it to me, your grace, and I will make certain the world is safe from his evils”. He can’t trust this wizard with the ring either. What if he turns to be an enemy spy? Also, how is this going to affect his daughter’s marriage? After she married Faris, she and her belongings are now part of Faris’s household. He couldn’t afford giving another village, albeit an ally, such a powerful instrument. “I’ll take care of it myself. See to it that everyone in your village knows that the ring is no more of a threat”. The king’s words were sincere, and his voice was firm. Though deep down he knew he was about to make one extremely dangerous risk. Reem watched from the side of the room behind a curtain, and she bit her lips wondering what her father might do about her little pet. Present

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