Shakespeare Accomplishments

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All languages tend to go through phases of intense generative activity, during which many new words are added to the language. One peak for the English language was the sixteenth to eighteenth century referred to as the Golden Age of English Literature. “ It is clear that one man single -handedly changed to English Language to a significant extent in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth ( “History of English”). “By some counts, most one in ten words used by term Shakespeare, were his own necessarily personally invented by Shakespeare himself. But he was more than happy to make use of others neologisms and local dialect words, and to mine the latest fashion and fads for new ideas” (“History of English”). William Shakespeare was a genius …show more content…

Religion was a main influence in society in England and Europe through the middle ages. Latin was the language of the church , so much of what was written was written was written in Latin. Desiderius Erasmus was a priest from the Netherlands who helped advance religion all around the globe. " One of Erasmus most significant accomplishments was his translation of the New Testament of the Bible. This new Bible , published in 1516 became widely available " (English Renaissance Gale student ). Many people could not read Latin and could only be taught the Bible not decider it for themselves. "People could read the New Testament of the Bible themselves. The Bible was first printed in English in 1537 allowing the people of England , torn apart by religious differences to read and interpret the work (English Renaissance Gale Student). Now that everyone can see and understand the Bible by themselves and differently they can interpret the work and figure out their stance on religious views. Many are going to have divergent views of thinking and that's gonna spread …show more content…

There are many different kinds of entertainment today which includes movies, plays, and many other works for the entertainment of individuals. “The Renaissance marked a high point in the arts throughout Europe, and nowhere was that more striking that in English Drama and poetry” (English renaissance DISCovering) The first theater was built by James Burbage in 1576. Early theater inspired man of today's works and genres. “Puritan dislike of the theater as a place of lies and sin began to influence it and keep away more and more of the middle-class audience that had been its mainstay” (“Harlan Judith”). Many of the audience and cast members wouldn't show up so they improvised.This is how many men ended up playing women's parts, and vice versa. “Theater productions tended to lose touch with the broad texture of English life and looked to the source in Spain and Italy for more sensational and dramatic ideas. Plots based on revenge, sordid intrigue, violence, and terror were used to excite the rather jaded tastes of this new group of spectators” (“Harlan Judith”). Many of the genres today were inspired by people in the theaters of England and made way for some of the main directors and producers who make our movie and plays today. People include , but not limited to : Stephen king, Harold Pinter, Tyler Perry, William Shakespeare, and Robert Browning. Without the influence of the theater and many factors

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