Sexual Relationships Essay

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Chances are you are having sex in your relationship. If you aren’t, then you are at least being intimate in some way. Sex is the one thing that we get to share with our partner that we don’t get to share with anyone else (unless, of course, you are into swinging as a couple). Let’s say it this way – expressing love through intimacy is important. If you don’t express love intimately, then you are called friends, and you might as well look for someone else to be in an intimate relationship with. It is our birthright to experience intimacy with someone else, and if you crave it, you should be able to experience it. Following are some habits that will help you make the most out of your physical intimacy. Habit 1: Ask For What You Want When It Comes To Pleasure …show more content…

1. Role playing Role playing does not just have to be limited to the bedroom, although that is very fun and exciting too. Any kind of role playing that you do will leave you thinking about it for a long time afterwards and most likely leave you wanting more. You will see your partner as the person who played “that special game" with you that no one else is able to do with you. Besides the bedroom you can make a date to meet at a bar or hotel and role play that you have never met before. Maybe you buy a drink for each other or you end up getting a hotel room at the spur of the moment to ‘get to know each other better’. Use your imagination. Just make sure you stay in the game and don 't start nagging about something the other person is doing that normally bothers you in the relationship. What would ruin the game worse than saying "Seriously! Do you HAVE to eat like that?" Remember that this is supposed to feel as authentic as possible to get your excitement up and creative juices flowing. 2. Adrenaline producing activities. Trust me, when you do something that gets your heart pumping with your partner there will be more pumping going on

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