Sexual Relationship In 1984 And George Orwell's 1984

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“Here comes the chopper to chop off your head” (Orwell, 2008, 1949) are the words from a children’s poem that Winston repeats in George Orwell’s 1984. The chopper referenced in the poem is a metaphor to one the books main themes, Big Brother. Big Brother is a silent figurehead hidden behind a silver telescreen, an all seeing eye judging, brainwashing, and eliminating the individuality of the citizens. The theory of an anonymous organization silently controlling the population is not a far-fetched idea, and is prevalent in modern society. In Real Women’s “Marriage Between a Man and a Woman,” NARTH’s “Our Story,” David Steele’s “Danger Lurks in a Biotech World,” and Daniel Francis’s “The Bureaucrat’s Indian” dystopian worlds are threatened to be …show more content…

Marriages in 1984 had to be approved by a committee, and were refused if there was any apparent physical attraction between the couple. Orwell states, “The only recognized purpose of marriage was to beget children for the service of the party” (Orwell, 2008, 1949, p. 68). This means that the only reason for sexual relations would be to create more Youth Spies for the party. In “Marriage Between a man and a Woman,” a dystopian world is being pushed by a so-called feminist organization. Real Women lobbies for old-fashioned (they call it conventional) roles for women, instead of gender equality – as a typical feminist organization would advocate for. This parallels 1984 because Real Women, like Big Brother try to control people’s relationships. Real Women make various sweeping statements in their “Marriage Between a Man and a Woman” essay. They claim that marriage is the most stable relationship, and that children thrive best within a committed marital union. This seems like a logical statement. In theory, children should do best in a stable, healthy environment. Real Women then go on to say that only heterosexual unions count as true marriages, thus creating a

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