Sexual Orientation Essay

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Gender identity refers to a person’s individual, subjective experience, and internal sense of being male, female, neither, or both genders. Cisgender refers to individuals who identify as the gender they were assigned at birth. Transgender refers to individuals who do not identify as the gender they were assigned at birth.
Sexual orientation is the term used to refer to an individual’s physical and/or emotional attraction for members of the same and/or opposite gender. Heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality are the three most commonly discussed sexual orientations; however, there are other orientations that exist beyond these categories. Most scientists agree that nature and nurture play complex roles in the development of sexual …show more content…

Today’s gender roles have drastically changed from the gender roles 50 years ago. Prior to World War II, the normalized role of women was to be the housewife, while men were expected to “bring home the bacon.” However, after World War II, more women began entering the workforce and continue to possess new roles that were uncommon 50 years ago. Meanwhile, men are more involved in the home and with childcare. Currently, being a housewife is not as common in the United States. However, gender roles in Asian cultures may reflect pre-WWII gender roles. As for gender identity and sexual orientation, the majority of individuals throughout history have been cisgendered and heterosexual, which has remained relatively unchanged in our current society.
Similarities between gender identity, gender roles, and sexual orientation is that each category includes a majority and a minority. Those that are not seen as “traditional” have a history of being discriminated against. Sexual orientation and gender identity are similar in the sense that they are both internal, subjective experiences that are unique to the individual. Lastly, all three concepts influence one another to develop one’s sexual

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