Sexual Identities Should Be Taught In Schools Essay

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I’ve always believed that a girl partner up with a guy when they are old. When I was a child, I used to think that when I would grow up I would be married to a guy. Although I should know better by now I cannot help thinking that talking about sexual identities to children is not the correct time to tell them. At the same time I believe that they have a point, because they feel like children don’t know how they feel about themselves. As of right now a lot of children are growing up with different thoughts from the ones I had. Schools shouldn’t be teaching sexual identities because I believe it doesn’t correspond to them. Parents should be the ones talking to their children’s when they think is convenient. This also, would take the child’s identity if they still don’t know what they want as well …show more content…

If I was a parent, I would be scared of teachers not explaining things right about the topic, and confuse my child about sexual identities. In Patterson’s book he states that “Some parents, for religious or other reasons, oppose homosexuality (and sexual freedom in general) and resent that the topic is raised with their children they may worry that their children will be somehow seduced or persuaded into becoming lesbian or gay, or they simply believe in the importance of the traditional heterosexual, nuclear family” (262). In other words, parents have a strong religion that blocks them to view things in different ways, and they are really strong about the idea of teachers talking to their kids about something they don’t believe in, and that will teach them to believe what their parents don’t believe. I agree with them because they might change their minds just because they’re telling them it’s correct to like someone with the same sex. I’m not against it once again, but it’s not right to influence a child about sexual identities at that

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