Sexual Assault On College Campuses

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Racialism, homophobia and sexism are rising on university campuses across the country. Today there is no any firm way to stop rape. Rape is a crime of viciousness and assault that often leaves the target’s life devastated. Rape is the lowest and the most sickening thing that anyone could ever do to someone. When people hear the words violence, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse they often incline to ignore the view of what the term certainly means. The problem of sexual attack on college campuses, mostly appears in an atmosphere where group performance and acceptance is essential for the men involved. Sexual assault on a campus has become a very thoughtful issue in today’s generation. College has become one of the most dangerous places for young women in America today. A Rolling Stone Magazine presents the story of Jackie brutal assault that she was raped by her own date; including seven guys at frat party. According to Journalist Erdely story, the seven men raped Jackie and shoved the beer bottle in her head; and for the sake of her and UVA social reputations she shut her mouth. Erdely starts her story with …show more content…

In my point of view, both articles have enough evidence to prove they both are right at their aspects. Although, there was no enough evidence for Jackie to prove that her story is true. I believe if Jackie had let journalist interview Drew and other fraternity members, there might be some hope to enlighten the case in favor of Jackie. Often people are afraid to express their feelings or they are scared to point out the person because they don’t want to get hurt anymore, also they think their loved one might also have to suffer; it is also very frustrating that if someone tried to report an assault there is no any treatment instead it created new organizations and systems in strength to change the way universities handle sexual

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