Sexual Assault In College Essay

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Did you know that “1 in 4 college women will be the victim of sexual assault during her academic career and 3 percent of college men report surviving rape or attempted rape as a child or an adult” according to the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center. With these alarming statistics it is time we act and do something to prevent sexual assault. It is essential for college students to act on this crime because if more and more students learn how to prevent sexual assault, the rates of this horrific crime will go down. In order to make these rates go down we need to become more educated on sexual assault.
What exactly is sexual assault? Sexual assault can be defined as any sexual contact or behavior that occurs without consent. On college campuses sex …show more content…

According to the National Institute of Justice people do not report sexual assault because of self-blame, guilt, embarrassment, or they desire to keep the assault a private matter. Another reason some sexual assaults are not reported because they fear humiliation lack of trust in the justice system, or not being believed. It is important that we stop using these excuses because it is allowing many people to get away with sexual assault, which leads to the attacker thinking it was ok. In addition, another reason the victims do not report sexual assault because they did not think their situation was considered sexual assault. In the article Sexual Victimization of Collegiate Women it states “48.8% of college women who were victims of attacks that met the study’s definition of rape did not consider what happened to them rape.” If we educate our campuses the students can identify sexual assault easily and many more cases can be reported. Lastly University of Michigan States “7 out of 10 students on college campuses, asked for their opinions on how their administration handles sexual assault cases, say that they do not have confidence in the process or those who administer it (Sokolow, 2004).” There needs to be confidence in the administration on college campuses; without it no one will report their cases. This means that administration on college campuses also need to become more educated on how to handle sexual

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