Sexism in Early Civilizations

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Even in the first civilizations sexsim was very prevalent, women were not included in democracy, they were not allowed to vote, and in some earlier civilizations women were not even allowed to have a job or go outside the home. Even as a 16 year old girl in America, the supposed land of dreams, I see sexism everyday. I see it when I watch the news, I see it when I’m walking down the halls at my school, I even see it when I read novels and articles or watch a movie online. Over 60% of serious journalism roles are given to males, while the women are left with the less important, or less popular sections. In school I see boys calling girls stupid, or girls getting a pass to go to their locker because they forgot something, even though a boy was just denied. I notice sexism the most in literature and movies, I see female characters being “airheads” or acting dumb and helpless, their main role in the piece is to wait for the male character to save them, or to be a comic relief. Not only are women’s jobs and dignity at stake but our sexuality, education and rights are too.
Women’s rights are he effort to secure equal rights for women and to remove gender discrimination from laws, institutions, and behavioral patterns. More basically stated; Women striving to make men see them as an equal rather than a lesser human. Women’s rights started with the Women’s rights movement that began in the 19th century. Women started to get jobs and realize that how they had been treated for thousands of years was unjust, and needed to come to a stop as soon as possible.
In 1848 the first women’s right’s convention was held in Seneca, New York. Over 300 people attended, including 40 men. This convention started the women’s rights movement. Just over 50 ...

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...views you, and that alone could change sexism.
While I researched my project I learned that everyone everyone contributes to sexism in one way or another, and we all need to band together to stop it. Women are discriminative against other women, as well as men. Men are discriminative against other men, and obviously women. In the future I hope to see a world where a women makes the same amount as a man, for the same amount of work. I hope to see every girl all over the world getting an education. I thirst for the day when a women comes out to her family and she is taken seriously. I can’t wait to see the day when a woman is president. And most of all I hope I see the end of sexism.

Works Cited

"50 Fascinating Facts for Women's History Month." 2011. 1 May. 2014

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