Sex Trafficking Case Management

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Case Management Specialty The field of specialty that I chose to do research on is sex trafficking of youths. Human trafficking throughout the world is the largest criminal industry that continues to grow worldwide. Even though most people believe that human trafficking does not exist in the United States, the reality is that it has been estimated that 300,000 American youths are at risks of “commercial sexual exploitation” (Ark of the Hope). Traffickers use fear tactics in order to lure the child or the adolescent into their company. There is not a specific type that these traffickers are seeking. The “base of the problem of the issue is the traffickers’ goal of exploiting and enslaving victims and the coercive and deceptive practices” that they use to manipulate these children (Human Trafficking: The Problem.). These individuals who deceive and entice the youth do so by prostitution, commercial sexual exploitation, through survival sex, sex tourism, sexual venues, bonded labor, …show more content…

Youths that are most vulnerable and are the ones that are more prone to be sex trafficked. Vulnerabilities are spread from one spectrum to another. Some of the things that make youth vulnerable is past trauma, children in foster care, foreign born, and traffickers who know the parents and send threats (Human Trafficking: The Problem). Once the child becomes slaves to sex trafficker According to the book, case management is one place where an individual can know that they as a whole will be taken into account. It does not just “focus on just one problem but rather on the many strengths, needs, and personal concerns a person brings” (Summers, N. (2016)). In the area of sex trafficking case management is, “the central component in the provision of comprehensive victim-centered services to trafficking

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