Sex Offender Registration Research Paper

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Sex offender registration is a system for monitoring and tracking sex offenders following their release into the community. The registration system provides important information about convicted sex offenders to local and federal authorities and to the public. Registration laws require that sex offenders provide information such as their criminal history, physical description, and their home address. In some areas of the United States, the lists of all sex offenders are made available to the public. They can be made available through newspapers, community notification, or the Internet. In other areas, the complete lists are not available for the public but are known to the police. Sex offender registration is mandatory if a person pleads or …show more content…

A sentencing judge does not sentence a person who was convicted into the sex offender registry. They cannot also usually use judicial discretion and decide on their own if registration is required no matter the circumstances. Depending on the jurisdiction, the offenses that require registration can range all the way from public urination to violent rape and sexual murders involving children. Sex Offenders are often classified in three categories: Level I, Level II, and Level III offenders. In certain areas the level of an offender is determined based on the evaluated recidivism risk of the individual offender. Other places base it on the morality of the conviction, without assessing the risk level posed by the offender. This need for sex offender registration laws came about after a parent’s worst nightmare.
b. On Oct. 22, 1989, 11-year-old Jacob Wetterling was kidnapped while biking home from a convenience store. After 25 years later, Jacob still remains missing, and the identity of his kidnapper is still unknown. After doing research, Patty Wetterling, Jacob’s mother, found out that the state she lived in had no database that might help the police identify a list of potential suspects. She also learned that Congress had never tried to create a national approach to sex

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