Sex In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, is a science fiction novel about a society that has progressed to a perfect world state. This world state has gotten rid of all things bad, like stress, diseases and even unemployment. It remains that way through human cloning, conditioning, safe drugs and mindless sex. The novel explores the idea that if you give people anything they want and keep them happy, they won’t question anything.

In Brave New World, people are cloned and conditioned through bokanovsky's process and hypnopaedia, or sleep teaching. The way Bokanovsky’s process works is by making one human fertilizing egg divide into 96 identical twins. While hatching these twins, they are also doing something to the cells making it unlikely to catch diseases.The sleep teaching is done by playing a recording to kids while they are asleep. It tells them how they should behave and how they should think. This is also how the world state …show more content…

Things like mindless sex, and the feelies are how the story chooses to show it. The feelies are movies that everyone in the world state go for entertainment. While watching these movies, the audience can also feel everything they see. However, these are not typical movies that real people see at the movie theatre, they’re more like pornograghic films because it is basically all sex. This helps control the people because there is nothing you can learn from these movies. People in the world state are also encouraged to have a lot of mindless sex with different partners, those who don’t are thought of as weird. Through mindless sex, and the feelies, the world state eliminates things like love and rejection because everyone is having sex with everyone and no one is really left out. By leaving these sort of things out, there is no stress to keep the ones they love happy. Also, there is no one looking at someone else with hatred for being with the one they couldn’t be

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