Seven Deadly Sins Research Paper

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In consequence the seven deadly are being consistently committed at school. Undeniably, they are committed in various situations around campus more often than people would famine to contemplate and not only by students but by faculty also. First of all, what are the seven deadly sins? According to Catholic Religious and more, these sins, the “capital vices or cardinal sins lead to a direct path of damnation; each is a form of worship of inner self.” According to College Xpress “these sins describe behaviors that someone should avoid in order to live a virtuous life, they also represent potential potholes in the road to college.” (1) In detail Lust, Sloth, Envy and Pride, four of the seven deadly sins that are being smeared on campus today. The first sin, which often takes place in today’s libraries, because of the endless technologies and resources readily accessible, this is where numerous students devote several hours researching and being engaged in homework. In other words Lust is being committed. To illustrate undergraduates are becoming vastly dedicated to obtaining the highest achievable grade that is conceivable, in order to be on the Dean’s list or even to satisfy their parents desire and need of having an A student as a child. Specifically, students after studying and thirsting for a pleasant grade in their …show more content…

Consequently, while students become slothful, and refuse to complete their homework resorting to cheating or committing plagiarism to obtain a passing grade. And yet envy has been another sin routinely implemented in the classroom. A student with a low grade point average becomes irritated at the superiority of their fellow students who committed lust to attain that suitable grade, which in turn made the other students seem un-educated, the failing student sets out to destroy them by being a

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