Sensory Room Project

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Please describe the objective(s) of the grant, in short narrative form. How does it address the community need/s you described above? Who is this program/project designed to benefit? Where will it take place? How will it be executed? Focus on objectives that are SMART - Specific, Measureable, Actionable, Realistic and Time limited. Ensure that the narrative pertains only to the program for which you are seeking support. The sensory room project for the RISE school will be housed in a designated sensory room at the Early Learning Center. This room will benefit all students attending programs within the ELC, but will be of exceptional benefit to the students with special needs in the program. The project will be executed by the center director, who will work with a company specializing in sensory room design to meet the timeline and cost guidelines. Teachers will be instructed on specific use of items by the contracted occupational therapist and/or director. Objectives of this grant are to: 1. Obtain the funding needed to complete and fully implement a leading edge sensory room and meet the needs of all children included in programs at the ELC by providing sensory tool kits in each classroom by October 1, 2017. 2.Obtain the funding needed to assist teachers, therapists, and …show more content…

For children with sensory processing disorders, having a room that can assist them with learning how to regulate sensory issues is invaluable for the children, teachers and their families. This will also serve the children as they move into inclusive environments where there is less control of stimuli in their day-to-day

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