Sense Perception Essay

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Sense perception allows us to select and interpret the information gathered through our senses, and with this information, gain knowledge of the world around us. Our five basic senses consist of sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste, however our senses may expand to include other aspects that we as humans find difficult to gauge, such as heat, pain, hunger and balance. Sense perception however, is not flawless but rather constrained by limitations and individual biasness, which pose as a weakness. Nonetheless, since our senses are actively in play, consistently and constantly recording data from the external world, it is easily the most fundamental way of acquiring knowledge and only through our senses are we able to attain knowledge through the other various means. Therefore, with regard to the areas of the arts and natural sciences, the strengths compensate for the weaknesses of sense perception as a way of knowing and will be further examined in the following paragraphs.

One of the weaknesses of sense perception is the limited ability of our sensory apparatus, resulting in an increased reliance on technology, often misleading our senses. Unlike bats that are able to hear frequencies up to 120 000 hertz, we are limited to 20 000 hertz and as opposed to snakes that are able to see infrared light, our sense of sight is bounded by the visible light spectrum. In the area of the Natural Sciences, these restrictions are barriers that prevent scientists from observing and conducting experiments that are beyond our senses. Yet even till this day, discoveries in areas that exceed the range of our senses, such as findings regarding subatomic particles, are still being made. Since our senses are limited, scientist often rely on scient...

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...ttainment of knowledge.

In conclusion, sense perception has been evaluated as a way of knowing in the areas of the Arts and Natural Sciences and it is evidently an essential form of gaining knowledge despite its weaknesses. The tendency for our senses and perception to be biased and subjective as a form of weakness in the Arts, as it is open to misinterpretation of the artist’s intent, can also be looked upon as a strength instead. For the Arts can only thrive where there is individual thought when perceiving and creating art. Additionally, sense perception is able to overcome its limitations and restrictions since it is actively sensing, sorting, and interpreting information, allowing discoveries to be made when otherwise thought impossible in the Natural Sciences. Therefore, though the strengths of sense perception are limited, they prevail over its weaknesses.

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