Senior Year Research Paper

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As I checked the boxes for my senior year schedule, I decided to choose a first period class I never would’ve gone toward in my freshman year. I envisioned the benefits that a first period study hall would entail-the ability to complete last-minute homework or get iced mochas with my friends before class. Two nights before the first day of school, I checked my schedule and was met with an alarming slew of sentences and pieced them together in panic: first period...student aide….sixth-grade Spanish teacher? This was All Wrong. I wasn’t going to get my study hall, and I was also going to have to cut out flashcards and grade quizzes in the very place that was the source of my Pulitzer in dramatic diary entries a few years prior? As I walked over …show more content…

Meiler's daughter deciding whether to major in French or Russian (an interesting choice-right now she’s opting for Russian). Ms. Meiler never had an agenda for what she wanted me to do. One day my task would be to wipe down all of the desks and rearrange them so she had better access to the whiteboards. Another day I would be sent out 10 minutes early from class to get us both the coveted white chocolate chip muffins from the cafeteria. Though I eventually learned to love this spontaneity, the biggest change for me was Ms. Meiler's daily stories and inquiries about my experiences. As she recounted the salsa dance classes she took twice a week and told me stories about her brilliant daughter, I began to look forward to the beginning of my day. I began to appreciate it for what it was: an opportunity to both help out an underappreciated and hardworking teacher and be able to have rich and interesting conversations about our lives. One of my favorite moments occurred just this morning, when she was finishing up a conversation with the English teacher as I strolled in. Ms. Meiler recounted the details to me, about how as a shorter woman, she had never had to deal with the dating perils of being tall. I laughed and told her that though my family would always

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