Senior Isolation Research Paper

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Senior Caregivers and Avoiding Isolation Senior isolation is a growing problem in America. The US Census Bureau reports tens of millions of American seniors living alone, and many of these seniors do not have anybody checking in on them or engaging with them socially. While some seniors choose this lifestyle, others have it dropped upon them through the death of a loved one or other situation beyond their control. It is normal for social contacts to decrease with age. Many of those we knew moved away or passed on, but for seniors living alone, this can create a potentially dangerous situation. Dr. John Cacioppo, a neuroscientist and psychologist at the University of Chicago, notes that senior isolation is directly linked to loneliness "poor cognitive performance and quicker cognitive decline." These seniors also have a much greater risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. …show more content…

Issues with weight, eyesight, hearing, grooming, etc. create negative feelings of low-self esteem, poor body image, and a lack of self-worth. These seniors are often overly self-conscious, easily embarrassed, and walk the line of depression. Many times, the issues that cause their social anxiety could be prevented, moderated, or even stopped if they had the proper support. Senior caregivers are able to provide this support. Seniors who need assistance with personal care are often too embarrassed to ask for help. Yet, issues with mobility, pain, memory, vision, or even awareness can make personal care difficult if not impossible. Senior caregivers provide personal care support that includes bathing, grooming, dressing, toileting, incontinence care, and so forth. These services allow seniors to look and feel their best, which gives them the confidence to enter into social

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