Senior Capstone Reflection Paper

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Since this past summer, I have been working with Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center (WWRC) to create a project for my Senior Capstone Project at Shenandoah Valley Governor’s School. This project has been incredibly influential towards defining my current outlook on my potential future and career in Engineering. In an effort to expand upon what I have learned at SVGS through an Introduction to Engineering class, I wanted to use the programming skills that I have obtained to wire, design, and program a new sensor and create something to assist the patients at the center. Therefore, I have collaborated with the physical therapy department and am currently working on a motorized wheelchair sensor device. This sensor will act as a warning
I had an absolute blast being a library assistant and felt like every time I sorted books, helped put on puppet shows, or organized the book shelves, I was directly helping others to enjoy exploring the world of reading. The thought that I was touching a book that might make a child fall in love with reading made me ecstatic and loved knowing that I could demonstrate to others the adventures found in the library through my time.
In ninth grade, I began to participate in my school’s Young Life ministry program and soon started volunteering as student leader to increase my efforts to reach out and love others at my school. As a student leader, I have helped lead small group, been a campaigner for bible studies, and have gone to Young Life’s camp at Lake Champion to help lead the younger students. Through my words of encouragement and actions to put my friends first, I have absolutely loved seeing the joy and excitement that they have experienced through Young
Although I am still undecided, I am looking into either an Engineering/ISAT degree or a Business degree. In whatever field I end up deciding to pursue, I want to be able to use the skills and my education obtained in high school, especially in my education with S.T.E.M. at SVGS, and to serve others. Even though my ideas about majors and careers still vary, I am confident in the fact that I will pick a field and major where I can best use my college degree to benefit others. Whether it is innovating and creating new products to assist people through an Engineering degree, or assisting people with their financial goals through a Business or Economics major, I want to always have a focus on putting others before myself and using my education and experience as a means to serve others. Therefore, I do not have one specific long-term goal. Instead, I have a long-term goal that I hope will encompass everything that I do: to boldly shine my light and to bless others. Serving and loving others has truly been a major theme, joy, and drive in my life and I simply do not want it to stop in college or in my future career

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